Sunday, June 22, 2008


so as you can see i pimped out my profile. tell me what you think about it. i think its awsome. cause im awsome haha. but anways. so lots of people asked me what happend to my guitar. you might already know the story but ill tell it again anyways. i set my guitar down to answer the phone and the top of the neck broke off just like that. and the place we got it isnt going to cover it cause weve had it for to long. gay huh? so this is what happend to it
so yeah. dad was gunna buy me a new accustic but we glued this one back together and im just gunna keep using this one and dad said he would buy me a new electric :) im so spoiled. this is my next guitar hopefully


Alli said...

Nice blog! You are spoiled!!!!

idieh.trebbyl said...

it's a very nice blog. and one classy guitar. i'm definitely jealous.