Sunday, March 29, 2009


WAS FREAKIN AMAZING!! i was sick. but i wasnt achy all over so thats good. but the show was so amazing. there was a lot more people there than i thought there was going to be. especially because it was in nephi. but there was a lot of people there and the crowed LOVED us. not to brag but it was awsome. they cheered so loud after every song. and a lot of people remembered the old songs we used to play before we broke up. they would cheer when they would hear the name of the next song if they knew it and it felt so good. it felt so right to be up on that stage. i cant wait to get bigger and do it for bigger crowds. its gunna be so amazing. but yeah moral of this blog, the show was amazing.


idieh.trebbyl said...

Even the new members in the crowd loved you guys. It was totally worth the drive to Nephi. You're amazing :)

Here Dwells Happiness said...

Yeah, so glad that it was totally amazing. That's great that Nephi ROCKED! Good for you!