Thursday, March 26, 2009

of course

so i have a show with my band tomorrow. its really important because its our first one since the break up. and a few days ago everyone started getting sick. so i was like oh freakin crap i better not get it. and i was doing a lot to stay away from the sickness and crap, taking vitamin c and everything. i thought i was gunna be good and i just kept telling myself i wont get sick. well....guess what. im sick. BUT its not that bad. at least not yet and im really really hoping it doesnt get any worse. last night i barley slept at all probably only 20 minuets and then i was tossing and turning all night because my body was so achy. it feels like i have a fever but without being really hot or really cold. it felt like i was going to throw up for a little bit but im pretty sure that was just me worrying that i was going to. because i dont feel like that at all anymore. but my stomach is also empty. but hopefully i wont throw up or anything like that. because i really need to be better by tomorrow. story of my life....

1 comment:

Here Dwells Happiness said...

Oh no! I hope that despite being kinda sick you'll still be able to "hang in there" until your concert is over. You'll have to post about how it went. Can't wait to hear about it....