Saturday, December 19, 2009


so most of you have probably heard me talking about me having a kitty. and you probably didnt believe me. well, i now have proof! she lives with my friend though since mom wont let me bring her home haha :( oh well i will take her with me when i move out. well here is some pictures of my gorgeous kitty marilyn.i love her :) shes so freakin cute. she falls asleep on me all the time its funny. well theres my kitty. isnt she adorable? i never thought i could love an animal so much but she proved to me that i could.


Alicia Bunderson said...

ha ha rich thats great. She is very cute. Sorry mom won't let you bring her home. I don't allow animals in my house either. and I like the name Marilyn.

Alli said...

Very darling! Glad she has some one that loves her.. I wont let animals in my house either so iunderstand mom.. but, still she is cute! :)

Here Dwells Happiness said...

She is cute, but I'm glad Mom won't let her in the house because I am SO allergic to cats. Achoo!